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Homemade Jammy Jam is canning season at our house, and boy have we been  busy. We have been super blessed this year, we have had a very productive plum tree, as well as a booming blackberry bramble. We have also had an abundance of beautiful tomatoes. I really wish it wasn't so horribly hot as it is, but it is August and at least we got a Summer season this year. Some years it seems like Spring just merges into Autumn, oh well. We also had a blazing hot July this year with 13 days at or over 100 degrees. Our tomatoes turned red, berries turned purple and the plums did too. So, we ran to our local bimart and bought us a pressure canner and some jars. Wish us luck on our new-ish project canning. New-ish because we can, however we have never owned a pressure canner, or had the opportunity to put up as much produce as we have this year.

Blackberry-Plum Jammy Jam:
  1. Place 8 cups of pitted, skinned, and halved plums into a mixing bowl & drizzle with 8½ cups of sugar and 4 cups of blackberries. Stir plumbs and berries until they are coated with sugar. Let them sit for 1 hour or 2 than transfer the mixture in to a big pot.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil uncovered, while stirring occasionally. Boil until mixture is bubbling hot and simmer for 10 minutes than turn off the heat. Cool to jam reaches room temperature. Mix in a box and a half of pectin.
  3.  Bringing mixture back to a boil and then the lower temperature, stir frequently to prevent scorching. Do this for 5 more minutes or until the jam slowly rolls off of a cold spoon (what is known as jelling stage).
  4. Ladle it into hot sterilized jars.  Put on lids and rings which were also hot (YO! don't boil your lids).  Tighten until they are finger tight, but don't over-tighten you WILL crack the jars.  Place in water bath canner and process for 10 minutes.