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Kohlrabi and Cabbage

I am so happy to have my garden in full swing again . I love spending time outside planting and digging . I am ecstatic that in a week or so I will have large scrumptious cabbage to eat on. I have already pulled up some kohlrabi which is a alien type of veggie that my mom recalls eating all the time in North Dakota. I started my pea's a little late so I am hopping they will be okay and not burn off in this heat wave we are experiencing in So. Oregon. The corn is doing well and I have been seeing lots more sprout up over the past couple days. Our lettuce is being pulled constantly since I am on a salad binge recently, I can't explain it I just can not stop eating lettuce. This year like most years; my garden is consisting of experimentals like lettuces I have not ever planted or ones that have not been planted for years. This year it's a mix of 14 greens attazione, bionda, arugula , kale , chicory, swiss chard etc. and they are crazy good. I found some organic red potato seeds and those will be ready for harvesting in no time. As well as the tomatoes this year (( crazy-growing)).  I am giving a cherry tomato called the 100 or something like it a try - I hope they are sweet . I can't plant to much -just what fits in my 12x12 planting space I wish I had more room, but I will just have to be more creative.