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Why Green Cleaning?

When I started getting headaches more frequently, I started a search to find out why. About 6 years ago I developed a sickness from using non-stick pans. When I would cook on high heat, dangerous chemicals would seep out and into the air. I would get light headed,  tired, even nauseated. Some days I would be so sick I'd vomit. After seeing a warning on television, I seen the light, it explained it all. We grabbed every non-stick pan and hauled them to the Salvation Army. We replaced them with copper and steel, and a few cast iron numbers.You know pans that have been around since the beginning of cooking. 
The sickness went away,so when I started getting headaches, I got concerned. However, I needed not look any further than under the sink. The cleaners that I was using contained Formaldehyde (can cause cancer) found in liquid cleaners and polishes. Alkali ammonium chlorides (can cause nervous system damage) found in antibacterial cleansers, and chlorine (poisonous vapors cause respiratory damage) found in bathroom and kitchen cleaners and household bleach.
 First off, I took all the chemicals to a recycle roundup. Then I purchased some eco-friendly versions made without the harmful ingredients, and would biodegrade without killing fish or harming wildlife. Now I have even started to make my own cleaners. I will add some links to help you and your family to make your own and share some tried and true versions of my own. I hope you make the choice to switch before you or someone in your family gets sick, and make it a lifelong change. Don't forget your pets too, they can get respiratory infections, allergies even die from the cleaners that you choose to use.